Moment festif et convivial à venir à Labenne-news

Moment festif et convivial à venir à Labenne

17 Jun 24

Landeus y tapas in Labenne on June 21 and 22, 2022

Come and share a festive and friendly moment in Labenne!!

This weekend, June 21 and 22, 2024, the summer festivities begin in Labenne.....

If you want to listen to good music ......

Eat good tapas on huge tables set up in the village square.....

Discover the conviviality of the Landes ...

Share easily, with your loved ones , your friends ...

Or with those who will be installed next to you??

So, it's time to come to Landeus y Tapas in Labenne

A great initiative from the city which allows you to get together , go out with friends and enjoy small dishes prepared by local associations.

All this for a price of a few euros per portion...

Enough to taste good food and participate in the life of the community....

So, are you ready to discover Landeus y tapas?? See you on June 21 and 22, 2024....
